Acts 2:42-47 • Psalm 23 • 1 Peter 2:19-25 • John 10:1-10 Good Shepherd Sunday: The readings for this week hold up the images of Shepherd and sheep and include the very familiar Psalm 23. This may be a good week to explore the readings in a reflective manner, delving into the familiar imagery in order to see them with new eyes. Why not try reading/studying/reflecting by
Lectio Divina or
Holy Reading?Choose one our weekly texts and then read it in this way:
Lectio DivinaRead the text for the first time. Read slowly and mindfully.
Read the text again and notice which words, or phrases or images come to mind. Write them down and then read them over. Ponder them. Let them sink in. Take a moment in silence for reflection.
Read a third time. What words are challenging or stirring or comforting? Write down what comes to mind. Take a moment to reflect on all of this with God in prayerful conversation. What does God invite you to do, be or change through this passage?
If you like, after a time, you may repeat this process with another of our readings for this week.