Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Thanksgiving Sunday: October 13, 2013

  • Prayer

  • Generous God,
    you brought us into the abundance of our inheritance.
    Grant us the faith to be people
    blossoming with honor and truth,
    so that we may produce bountifully
    the first fruits of justice and compassion,
    expressing our gratitude in the way that we live. Amen.
Deuteronomy 26:1-11
The book is presented as Moses’ final speech to the Israelites before they cross into the Promised Land; scholars tell us that Deuteronomy is also a reinterpretation of the Exodus legal tradition for a later generation, who now live a settled life. In exodus it reads: “The choicest [best] of the first fruits of your ground you shall bring into the house of the LORD your God.” Our passage expands on this, in a new circumstance and context.

The commandment here is specific and detailed: the first fruits are to be taken in a “basket”  to “the priest who is in office” , to a central location. Earlier, there were several shrines to God but now there is only one – Jerusalem. The giving is linked to Israelite history: God swore to Abraham to give the Promised Land to Israel. Jacob, the “wandering Aramean” ), and his children moved to Egypt in a time of famine. There they multiplied, were oppressed and enslaved. When they prayed to God to help them, he used his power to free them. But, no longer are they wandering semi-nomads; now they live in a prosperous “land flowing with milk and honey”. In thanks for God’s gift of both the land and abundant crops, Israelites are to give produce to God; in recognition of his sovereignty over the land, they are to prostrate themselves (“bow down”) before him. God’s gifts are cause for celebration by Israelites and foreigners who live in Palestine.


What are our first fruits? What do we need to offer God that shows true gratitude? 
Since we can no longer take a basket to the priest in Jerusalem, what actions do we need to take to express our thanksgiving? 

What sacred history do you need to remember? How do we keep from falling under the illusion that we are "self-made"...that we have created and earned all that we have?

Philippians 4:4-9
Paul wrote to the church at Philippi, a prosperous Roman colony in northern Greece, from prison. We do not know whether this imprisonment was in Ephesus or in Rome. It appears that he was held under house arrest. It is possible that the epistle is actually made up of three letters. It contains many personal references, encourages members of the Philippian church to live the Christian life and to good ethical conduct, introduces Timothy and Epaphroditus as his representatives, and warns against “legalists and libertines.” Lastly, he thanks the Philippian community for their generosity and support.

Paul began the conclusion to the letter back in Chapter 3. After a digression – to warn against heresy and self-indulgence and to urge devotion to Christ – he tries to finish the letter, but certain concerns intrude. It seems that “Euodia” ) and “Syntyche”, two workers for Christ, differ in their understanding of what the way of Christ is, and that this is causing disunity in the Philippian community. We do not know to whom Paul refers as his “loyal companion” but whoever he/she is, they are asked to be instrumental in achieving reconciliation.

In verse 4 we find the conventional Greek salutation (like our goodbye) but here Paul means “rejoice” literally. May you behave towards others as you should (“gentleness”). Paul expects the Second Coming soon: “The Lord is near.”

Then, rather than worrying on their own, the Philippians should ask God to help them, through prayer, both in prayers of “supplication” (petition) and of “thanksgiving”. God’s “peace” will protect them against their own failings and external threats. It “surpasses all understanding” either by being beyond the grasp of the human mind or by achieving more than we can conceive. In verse 8, Paul advises members of the community to live according to an ethical standard.

Note that Paul writes his words from a prison cell. Even in terrible circumstances he calls for joy. What gives you joy? What makes you rejoice? As we celebrate Thanksgiving, get in touch with that which gives you joy. What are you deeply thankful for?

John 6:25-35

John is the fourth gospel. Its author makes no attempt to give a chronological account of the life of Jesus (which the other gospels do, to a degree), but rather "...these things are written so that you may come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through believing you may have life in his name." John includes what he calls signs, stories of miracles, to help in this process.
Jesus’ miraculous provision of food to the crowd has brought to mind, for John, the gift of manna to the people of Israel in the desert. The crowd has taken Jesus for a political messiah who will free them from Roman occupation. John continues to pursue the question: Who is Jesus? Is he from God?
Jesus and the disciples have escaped the crowds, but only for a while. Rather than tell them of his walking on water (which they would misunderstand), he does not answer them. He tells them that they are seeking him not because they understand the spiritual meaning of the food, but for another free meal. He says: raise your sights above material things, to eternal ones, to what I, “the Son of Man will give you” The Father has shown me to be authentic (“seal”). I will give you nourishment for ever.
But they have only grasped that the food is miraculous, a work of God, so they ask: how can we do such miracles? Jesus answers: only one work of God is essential: to trust in me. Again, they misunderstand; they ask: what proof will you give us?
Moses gave us manna from heaven in the wilderness; you have only given us earthly food. We expect the Messiah to give us manna again.
In v. 32, Jesus tries to clear up the misunderstandings:
· It was God, not Moses who gave you manna;
·  the Father gives bread now; and
·  Manna met physical needs but “true bread” is more than that.
Then verse 33: Jesus himself is the true bread, the “bread of God”: he “comes ... from heaven and gives life ...”. They still do not grasp that he is the bread. Finally, he says: I am the sustenance of life itself, of very existence, for those who trust in me; I will fill their every need.

Try to put into words what it might mean to "never be hungry, and never be thirsty".
What does Jesus give you that you are grateful for?
Why is this a good Thanksgiving text?